Now is the time to start writing in your wiki. Let's start with a simple challenge: writing a page to introduce yourself to others in this wikiverse.
You will notice your name on the Welcome Page. It will be in blue, indicating that it's a Hyperlink. When you click on your name, wiki will try to go this page. If it doesn't find it, it will ask you if you want to create a new one. Click on the button to create this page.

To start writing, you need to first create a paragraph block. To do this, click on the "+" in the bottom left of the gray box at the bottom of the page. This gray box is called the Journal which contains a record of every change you make on this page. It also has two special buttons on the lower right. The one we are going to click opens what we call the Factory.

A double-click in the gray box gives us our first Paragraph Block for writing your copy:
Note that this factory can be used for many different types of blocks, which are called plug-ins. Plain text is the most common type of block, but you can also write with Markdown if you need some formatting or even HTML.
We will explore all the different kinds of plugins later, but also notice that if you want to add an image to the page, all you need to do is to drag it into the gray factory area.
But we are getting a little ahead of ourselves. First we need to write a few paragraphs on our first page!

After adding 2-3 paragraphs just press the escape key (upper right of your keyboard) to exit.
Before we move on, let's notice a couple important behaviors of these text blocks. First, not only that you can move them around on the page, you can move them to other pages. As a result, you can easily reorganize your thinking on a page or move that idea to another page. Or that idea can be copied to another page if you hold down the shift key when you are moving it to another page.
You can also easily combine paragraphs blocks by putting your cursor at the beginning text of a second block and pressing the delete key.
As a result, we begin to think differently about writing, where we can focus on each paragraph in a new way, seeking clarity in the idea that is being expressed there.
Now that you have just created your first wiki page let's start using the wiki as a place to create notes.
Next: Creating Notes