Wiki is an amazingly powerful platform to think, to share ideas and to spark new creative potential.
Wikis have been around for a long time, first introduced in 1995. The most well known wiki is Wikipedia , but there are literally thousands of wikis now in all different areas and langauges.
So, what is a wiki and how is this type of wiki different?
The wiki was invented by Ward Cunningham back at the dawn of the World Wide Web. He was a part of community of software developers seeking to reimagine how software might be developed. He wondered how they might be able to use this new web to share best practices. Previously the web was just used to publish information. Might it be used to create and share information in this diverse community?
He answered that question with an invention, the wiki, which allowed the content of a web page to be created by an entire community, not just by the single person, the webmaster, who held the keys to a web server.
This invention laid the foundation not only for what came to be known as Web 2.0 but allowed sited like Wikipedia to exist.
But, despite its success, something gnawed at Ward, it just didn't' fulfill a promise that he had hoped as a way for dynamic co-learning. So in 2011 Ward re-invented the wiki, this time calling it the Federated Wiki, or simply the fedwiki.
Next: Wiki Re-Imagined