
We are used to seeing one browser page at a time. But what if our pages could be smaller and sit next to each other so that we can see where where have been based on where we are now.

Might that viability help us learn better?

That was a wondering that Ward had. So, in the fedwiki, when we are reading it in a desktop browser, we can typically see three pages. Here we can pause and wonder about what are we learning by considering those three pages together?

It's the emergent meaning that allows us to learn faster and deeper. Let us then, pause, and wonder. What is the nature of something we might call a Trialectical Synthesis?


Note that when you are reading a page in another wiki that is connected with yours, in what we call a Neighborhood, it will appear with a blue halo. To add any of those pages to your wiki so that you might always have it and, perhaps, amend it, simply click the fork symbol in your journal.
