The fedwiki can seem quite awkward to use when you start to use it. We have well ingrained patterns of expectations when it comes to writing. The wiki challenges many of them.
Much like learning how to ride a bicycle is difficult until it suddenly feels liberating, learning how to write in this new way takes practice. To learn these new ways, we will take it slowly, one step at a time.
Let's start at the beginning.
your wiki
You will have been given your wiki URL and reclaim code by your wiki host.
Click on that URL and notice what you are seeing on the bottom of your browser screen when you have reached your wiki. There should be your name as the site owner, a lock, a search bar, the number of pages and the word, "wiki".
For example:

unlocking wiki
The first thing you will need to do is to open your wiki. You do this by clicking on the lock and then entering your reclaim code in the pop-up window.

edit mode
When you first come to your wiki, it will be a read-only state, one that is used when others are reading your wiki.
For you to begin to write in your wiki, you must change this status. You simply do that by clicking on the word 'wiki'. When you do that, a check mark will appear next to the word, indicating that you are now in the 'edit-mode'.

Next: Wiki Writing